Swing-Trading Strategy Report #488

2019-08-05T08:50:00-04:00August 5, 2019|

My Swing Trading Strategy I sold my inverse ETF position in SDS on Friday for a +3.2% profit. While I’d like to still be in that position today, considering how weak the market was, selling it on Friday did make sense as the price action was well below the lower [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #487

2019-08-02T09:10:00-04:00August 2, 2019|

My Swing Trading Strategy Yesterday was a real clown act by the market. I originally closed out my position in SDS for a 0.6% profit, only to have jump right back in the trade later in the day following the Trump Tweet. Right now, I have one staple play and [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #486

2019-08-01T09:10:00-04:00August 1, 2019|

My Swing Trading Strategy My Long position SDS which provides a 2:1 inverse return of SPY did marvelously yesterday, and helped deflect some of the losses in the two positions I was stopped out of, due to Jerome Powell’s unbelievably and disastrous presser. Seriously, can we end these senseless press conferences already? It’s [...]

Weekly Long Setups to Keep an Eye On

2019-03-04T13:30:44-05:00March 4, 2019|

One day of price action has wiped out the last nine days of profits. There hasn’t been much action to speak of over those last nine trading sessions, which is why an actual sell-off is able to do such damage on the charts. However, I don’t see a lot of [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #382

2019-02-22T09:00:00-05:00February 22, 2019|

My Swing Trading Approach I sold Schlumberger (SLB) yesterday for a +1.1% profit. I’ll be looking to add another 1-2 new positions to the portfolio today, on top of the one I added yesterday.  Indicators Volatility Index (VIX) – Popped about 10% yesterday but by the time the close rolled around, [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #381

2019-02-21T09:10:00-05:00February 21, 2019|

My Swing Trading Approach I closed out two positions yesterday: Netflix (NFLX) for a +1.5% profit and Square (SQ) for a +1.1% profit. Nothing all that exciting, but I was looking to curb some risk as the afternoon trading session was on shaky ground. May end up getting back in [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #380

2019-02-20T09:10:00-05:00February 20, 2019|

My Swing Trading Approach It was a second straight day for me, where I didn’t add any new positions to the portfolio. Dip buying still kickin’ strong, but the end of day antics of selling off is what causes the most havoc on most days. Either getting in early or [...]

Short Setups If Yesterday Was A Dead-Cat Bounce

2018-11-13T14:00:52-05:00November 13, 2018|

Swing-trading short this market may not be done and over just yet.  I closed my position in SPXU (3:1 inverse of SPX) for almost a 6% profit in the Splash Zone yesterday as well as another 2% from a QQQ short. Based on the price action overnight, I thought the [...]

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