Profitable strategies for trading the stock market that includes 2x and 3x ETFs and and long and short stock trading and the trading stratgies that I use including intraday trading and swing trading.

Stock Market Correction: Is Cash the Answer?

2024-06-01T17:50:14-04:00May 26, 2024|

Navigating the Storm: Cash Strategies for a Market Correction During a stock market correction, it is natural to feel anxious and wonder if going cash in one’s portfolio is the best course of action. As a seasoned trader, I’m here to tell you that going to cash during a correction [...]

Good Faith Violations: What Every Trader Must Know

2024-06-01T17:48:48-04:00March 26, 2024|

What Are Good Faith Violations in Stock Trading? Good faith violations are a common problem that many stock traders encounter, especially when dealing with cash accounts. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll dive deep into what good faith violations are, how they can impact your trading, and strategies you can use [...]

Swing Trading Strategies for Trading in the Stock Market

2023-12-10T14:25:37-05:00December 10, 2023|

Mastering Swing Trading: A Strategic Approach to Stock Market Success Let’s delve into the key aspects that set apart different trading styles and how the various swing trading strategies can be your pathway to success in the stock market. Understanding Trading Styles: Day, Swing, and Position Trading Trading in the [...]

Why You Should Stop Using Price Alerts

2024-06-01T17:47:48-04:00September 21, 2018|

There is this undying belief that you should use price alerts to be notified when you should place an order to buy or short a stock. I’m here to tell you that price alerts will create turmoil for your portfolio! I have been trading for more than two decades, and [...]

5 Tips for Trading High Volatility Stock Market

2024-06-01T17:28:20-04:00May 11, 2018|

I know there are a lot of frustrated swing traders out there. I know that trading high volatility markets hasn’t been easy for most traders. I get that. The headline risk is insane, we are in the winding up earnings season, tariffs are in play, the market has the feel [...]

5 Steps to Making Back Your Losses

2024-06-01T17:42:33-04:00March 2, 2018|

How to avoid a large drawdown in your trading account This is the kind of post that no one ever wants to utilize or need, because it will mean that they are either in a trading slump where most of their trades are going against them, or worse, they are [...]

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