Listen, if I thought for a minute, that stricter gun control laws would mean less crime, murder, rape and pillage, i would be all for it. Sign me up. But it doesn't do that. Country after country, state after state and city after city has proven that. The areas with the strictest gun control laws
NCAA March Madness Champ: Coach It didn’t take long, but once Coach grabbed the lead early on, he never let go, picking an amazing 45 out of 63 matchups in the NCAA College Basketball Tourney. His 129 points, to put it in perspective, puts him well above the 95th percentile for all the brackets. Out
Before we ban guns, let’s ban idiots from Congress. I’m quite certain that any one who wants to be a congressman or woman, needs to pass an IQ test before doing so. You have a person here in charge of this gun ban law that she is trying to push through Congress, yet she thinks
Surely He has borne our griefsAnd carried our sorrows;Yet we esteemed Him stricken,Smitten by God, and afflicted.But He was wounded for our transgressions,He was bruised for our iniquities;The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,And by His stripes we are healed.All we like sheep have gone astray;We have turned, every one, to his own way;And
One of the only segments that CNBC has that I actually enjoy is the Santelli Exchange. I know that there are a lot of people who have differing opinions about him, but in terms of where this country is going and the wreckless spending habits it continues to engage in, Rick Santelli is spot on.Â
Rachel Fox's new lead role is to act like a trader Back in the 90's there was an experiment done with a monkey throwing darts randomly at a wall with a bunch of stock names. Which ever one the dart landed on, that stock was bought. The success during this tech-bubble era was impressive as
The Holy Grail of All Market Timers We are all in search of the perfect indicator (whether consciously or sub-consciously), particularly when it comes to timing the market for sell-offs and rallies. But after the developments over the weekend and the one and only Mila Kunis announcing her entry into the stock market, one can’t
Understanding how the unemployment number is calculated Something that is constantly perplexing people on SharePlanner and something that I actually get quite a few emails on is about the Employment number. Just how can the employment number be going down when there are less and less people in the actual work force. Here's a chart
Ashley Judd running for takes her from one crooked profession to another To add to the humor of today’s employment report and the market action in general, I thought I’d let you all know that Ashley Judd is running for the Senate seat in Kentucky. This is laughable on so many fronts, particularly since she
The Libertarian platform could be on the rise and have a huge impact on the next election. Senator Rand Paul from Kentucky might have ignited this alternative party, which isn't so much about party platform, but the lack thereof. They look for government to play less of a roll in practically everything in life, which