One chart explaining why I have hated Netflix (NFLX) this year (minus 7/30 through 8/5 of this year when I made 16.1% on a trade when I bought it at $107.63 and sold it at $124.92).
This has to be one of the craziest GoFundMe stories I have ever read, and probably one of the craziest trading stories as well. Here you have a trader who was shorting KaloBios Pharmaceuticals (KBIO) for reasons unknown to me, thinking this stock was going to sell off after rising from $0.44/share to $2.47. Only
Pretty much sums up today’s market behavior…
1) Apparently, trading since April makes you a day-trading expert 2) She turned her computer into an ATM machine 3) What’s a stop-loss? Grab some popcorn and enjoy.
This Week’s Market Summary in One PIcture:
Market Summary in one picture:
The week’s market summary… at least for all those who were spiking the football and calling for a market bottom on Monday/Tuesday.
Let Woody and Buzz explain today’s stock market:
One of my favorite movies of all time, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid, had a quote in there that has always stuck with me in life. After being told, “You keep thinking, Butch, that’s what you’re good at!” Butch responds with: “Boy, I got vision and rest of the world wears bifocals. So how
It think this has been the case for me for about 4 years how, or since we bottomed in 2009.