• Wow - who knew Lloyd Blankfein's  head was so big - apparently it is to compensate for the enormous ego he has....With Goldman Sach's (GS) incredible track record of always being a bunch of frauds on the right side of the trade, I'm sure they dumped all their long long positions yesterday, just in time

    |August 15, 2013|0 min read|
  • I really cannot think of a single Fed Chairman that I have ever liked. The three that I’ve learned much about have all been a cancer to our society and more specifically to Capitalism and the economy as a  whole.  Instead of letting the invisible have its will, these guys actually think they are the

    |August 12, 2013|1 min read|
  • I really cannot think of a single Fed Chairman that I have ever liked. The three that I’ve learned much about have all been a cancer to our society and more specifically to Capitalism and the economy as a  whole.  Instead of letting the invisible have its will, these guys actually think they are the

    |August 12, 2013|1 min read|
  • If you thought watching tennis in person was wearing on the neck, try trading stocks for a living….

    |August 8, 2013|0 min read|
  • These commercials get old after a while, but then all of a sudden they make complete sense when you realize that being Fed Chairman is so easy, that even a caveman could do it. 

    |July 31, 2013|0 min read|
  • If you haven't picked up this book yet, it is a must read prior to tomorrow's FOMC Statement. It is a book for Bernanke, by Bernanke.  Ok…. Just laugh… you know its funny. 

    |July 30, 2013|0 min read|
  • Since the crowd loses, and most who trade tend to be a part of that crowd, I thought I would post this comic that I found that helps to explain just what the crowd mentality looks like in the finanacial market...

    |July 23, 2013|0 min read|
  • The world of trading and how it relates to perception vs. reality – Hilarious!!!

    |July 22, 2013|0 min read|
  • We were sold on Hope, Shovel Ready Jobs, and some kind of change that we apparently could believe in.  Instead… We are left with a dope, “Shovel ready jobs that aren’t so shovel ready, and the kind of change that leaves more americans searching for the nearest soup kitchen rather than actually growing the private

    |July 9, 2013|0 min read|
  • I’m pretty pumped about this movie, “Jobs”, detailing the life of the iconic Steve Jobs and his life. It is due in Movie theaters August 16th – just a few months away. Enjoy the first trailer just released. 

    |June 25, 2013|0 min read|