Wow - who knew Lloyd Blankfein's head was so big - apparently it is to compensate for the enormous ego he has....With Goldman Sach's (GS) incredible track record of always being a bunch of frauds on the right side of the trade, I'm sure they dumped all their long long positions yesterday, just in time
I really cannot think of a single Fed Chairman that I have ever liked. The three that I’ve learned much about have all been a cancer to our society and more specifically to Capitalism and the economy as a whole. Instead of letting the invisible have its will, these guys actually think they are the
I really cannot think of a single Fed Chairman that I have ever liked. The three that I’ve learned much about have all been a cancer to our society and more specifically to Capitalism and the economy as a whole. Instead of letting the invisible have its will, these guys actually think they are the
If you thought watching tennis in person was wearing on the neck, try trading stocks for a living….
These commercials get old after a while, but then all of a sudden they make complete sense when you realize that being Fed Chairman is so easy, that even a caveman could do it.
If you haven't picked up this book yet, it is a must read prior to tomorrow's FOMC Statement. It is a book for Bernanke, by Bernanke. Ok…. Just laugh… you know its funny.
Since the crowd loses, and most who trade tend to be a part of that crowd, I thought I would post this comic that I found that helps to explain just what the crowd mentality looks like in the finanacial market...
The world of trading and how it relates to perception vs. reality – Hilarious!!!
We were sold on Hope, Shovel Ready Jobs, and some kind of change that we apparently could believe in. Instead… We are left with a dope, “Shovel ready jobs that aren’t so shovel ready, and the kind of change that leaves more americans searching for the nearest soup kitchen rather than actually growing the private
I’m pretty pumped about this movie, “Jobs”, detailing the life of the iconic Steve Jobs and his life. It is due in Movie theaters August 16th – just a few months away. Enjoy the first trailer just released.