This pretty much somes of this market for me…. While the costume is still on, keep trading long. Just think of it as Trick or Treating….
There are many things in life that Star Wars helps us understand in a much clearer way. The same can be said about Dr. Suess and advice on life. In this case, Padme does a great job of summarizing the ‘victory’ of the Obama and Democrats re-opening government without doing anything to change the dire
If you were trading this morning the market atmosphere was like this:Â
In a world where people are super-ultra sensitive towards joking about someone else’s hang nail, it amazes me that a commentator on a major news network could go down the road of making joke about another nationality. Whether there is truth or not to it, you  know that a) there will be an outcry for
It is almost time for the holidays (i.e. political code word for Christmas)
Let’s be sure to never forget what happened on 9/11/01. Our lives and our country was changed. Let’s not disgrace the memories of those affected by this day of infamy by acting as if it never happened. May God bless all the families who lost loved ones on and after 9/11.. Post by SharePlanner.
It is time to sign up for Fantasy Football – it is our 3rd Season and limited spaces remain. There will be a prizes awarded! The draft is The draft is live on August 26, 2013 at 9pm. Please email me and I’ll send you an invite.
It doesn't get any crazier than what we are seeing on the Floor of the Nasdaq right now... hopefully somebody figures it out.
Had to put up an old New York Post article that succinctly summarized the market’s behavior…or maybe it was down, up, down
Had to put up an old New York Post article that succinctly summarized the market’s behavior…or maybe it was down, up, down