• What a Year for Swing-Trading in the Splash Zone! There was so much euphoria surrounding this market. Traders saw stocks rise to records on almost a daily basis. Heck, money was literally being created out of thin air. Don’t believe me, just take a look at the crypto market whose top 10 biggest coin’s cumulative

    |January 11, 2018|10 min read|
  • Plenty of takeaways during the month of November for my swing-trading. For one, it was another successful month, but there were a few stretches in there, that I’d like to soon forget. Most notably was the way in which it ended.

    |December 31, 2017|6 min read|
  • Lessons Learned, Success Earned in my Swing-Trading These reviews always bring mixed feelings for me. Done right, it requires that I look at each trade that I make in an open and honest way. I get to see what I did well, and what I also struggled at.

    |December 2, 2017|8 min read|
  • September turned out to be a phenomenal month of swing trading for me and the members of the SharePlanner Splash Zone. September was the best yet in 2017 – and that is saying something considering that every month so far has been profitable for me in the stock market, and the most profitable of the

    |October 19, 2017|8 min read|
  • What a Great Month for Swing-Trading! A 60% Win Rate Profits both long and short A market that went nowhere, but SharePlanner has awesome profits. Consistent profits were the name of the game. The market had a few monster sell-offs, but ultimately bounced higher as a result of those sell-offs.

    |October 11, 2017|5 min read|
  • I’ve got some really big news and I am just thrilled that the time has finally come to let you know all about it. For the past few months, I have diligently been working on creating the framework of a collection of training courses that would allow you, the trader, to become better at your

    |September 17, 2017|2 min read|
  • The key to July’s swing trading success was in managing the losses and keeping them SMALL! I did that well, and it is something I am very happy. My winning percentage was right there at my historical average, but I didn’t place as many trades as I usually do. There were only 18 trades made

    |August 10, 2017|7 min read|
  • June saw continued success for traders in the Trading Block. I was quite satisfied with my swing trading results, especially when you consider just how mundane the overall market was. There was plenty of ‘back-and-forth in the stock market.

    |July 20, 2017|7 min read|
  • It was another great May swing trading performance in the stock market for members of the Trading Block As you know by now, I am a huge proponent about swing trading transparency when it comes to my stock market performance. There are so few traders out there that actually show their results, much less go

    |June 26, 2017|8 min read|
  • Swing Trading Results for April were solid – this despite an unmovable and dull stock market The month of April finished higher for the month with some really good swing trading profits but it wasn’t until April 24th, when the market finally decided to gap higher in a big way, did the S&P 500 break

    |May 25, 2017|7 min read|