Email Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your browser. You are receiving this email because you previously signed up to receive trading ideas and updates from SharePlanner is going Pro There is only one week remaining to take part in the SharePlanner Pro Preview and lock in your 50% discount! If
I wanted to take a moment and give you an update on SharePlanner and the developmental work that I have been doing over the past couple of weeks. Matt, myself and a team of developers have been working literally day and night to create some incredible new features that will enhance the individual trading experience exponentially
SharePlanner has been off-line for the past week due to a group of hackers that thought it would be cute to hack on to the server that hosts SharePlanner, and filter their political propaganda through all of the websites hosted by the server. As a result, I've had to reconstruct the entire site from scratch
With 2010 now in full-swing, it wouldn't be right if I didn't do a post on changes and improvements that I'd like to make to the website for the new year. First off, don't expect any major changes to the layout of the website. We did that last year and I can't say it was all
Alright! I have the new computer setup and almost all of my necessary software installed. So I should have everything back to normal come tomorrow morning – just have to finish installing Microsoft Office and then I’m golden. Well, almost golden, my multiple monitor setup isn’t quite working the way it should, so I’ll probably
By November the MSN Stock Screen application will be going away as will a lot of their web-based tools. So this is your last month to use them. Supposedly they are coming out with all sorts of new tools for traders to use, and I assume those to be coming out in November also.
Happy Friday to you all – I’ve decided to hold my position in UUP over the weekend, but I am going to tighten my stop-loss considerably. If UUP doesn’t trend higher on Monday, I can assure you that I’m likely cashing in my chips. Enough of that! The main purpose of this posting is to
Now you can take SharePlanner on the road with you now, as we have officially gone mobile! Whether you have an iPhone, Blackberry, or some other smart-phone or handheld device, you can access SharePlanner content with minimal download time. Basically, for mobile applications, you won’t have all the sidebar stuff and menus overhead, instead it
So overall, not a bad month. The market rallied pretty strong, and our swing trades were able to take advantage of the July rally. Early on, we thought the market might head lower when a head-and-shoulders pattern emerged on the S&P and Dow charts, so we took on a short of (DIA). Once the collar