• The stock market has been rallying for the past nine years, but for much of 2018, traders have the sense that a top may be developing.  So the question becomes how do you trade a stock market top? I will go through my methods of shorting the market when it is trading lower and how

    |June 28, 2018|1 min read|
  • I’m amazed Bitcoin and all of its associates are still trading as high as it is.  But I will give it credit, charting it provides breath-taking accuracy, while not all always pays respects to trends, support and resistance, Bitcoin respects the ways of support and resistance breathtakingly well. 

    |June 22, 2018|1 min read|
  • What indicators do you use in your trading? Are they helping your or hurting your trading. Do they really complement your trading strategy - and finally, is there one indicator or set of indicators that represent the 'holy grail' of trading? In this podcast I talk about my approach as it pertains to using indicators

    |June 15, 2018|0 min read|
  • Patience is a major trait one must has as it pertains to successful swing-trading in the stock market. If you don't have it, you won't succeed. That goes for not only swing-traders, but for day-traders, forex traders, cryptotraders, options traders and the like. Patience in the stock market means you have to be okay with

    |June 7, 2018|0 min read|
  • It is time for me to do some technical analysis on the FANG stocks, whether they should be swing-traded right now, and further analysis on Apple and the market indices as a whole and where I project the market to go, going forward. Enjoy!

    |June 6, 2018|0 min read|
  • The bullish kicking candlestick pattern is composed of two candlesticks: a red one (down) as the first candle followed by a green (up) one with an gap in between. The bullish kicking candlestick acts as a bullish reversal pattern when conducting technical analysis. For the bearish kicker, it is the exact opposite. Check it out:

    |May 30, 2018|0 min read|
  • Lets do some technical analysis on the FANG stocks, whether they should be swing-traded right now, and further analysis on Apple and the market indices.

    |May 23, 2018|0 min read|
  • Lastest video on what to do with those pesky trades that will not rally like you expect, when the stock market rallies. 

    |May 22, 2018|0 min read|
  • Alright, I thought I would be able to get this out, right after the market closed, but I was wrong. Apparently, I am not as smooth as I would like to be when it comes to editing an uploading a video to YouTube.  Nonetheless, it is all here and for you to enjoy - AND

    |May 16, 2018|0 min read|
  • In this video, I address a member of the Swing-Trading Spalsh Zone's question about scaling into a position and whether it is a profitable approach for swing-trading, and if risk can be effectively managed.  Check it out!

    |May 16, 2018|0 min read|