• The bear market of 2022 has made swing trading challenging with massive swings in price and volatility. How can you swing trade the stock market successfully in a bear market or even worse in a stock market crash? In this video, I cover three unique ways to better help you achieve profitability in a bear

    |September 7, 2022|0 min read|
  • The bear market of 2022 has made swing trading challenging with massive swings in price and volatility. How can you swing trade the stock market successfully in a bear market or even worse in a stock market crash? In this video, I cover three unique ways to better help you achieve profitability in a bear

    |September 7, 2022|0 min read|
  • The stock market crash found new energy with a big sell off last week. Will the stock market bottom in the coming week with the FOMC Statement on Wednesday, or should we expect a bigger correction going forward. In this video, I provide SPY ETF analysis, as well as VIX analysis.

    |June 12, 2022|0 min read|
  • Despite being in a stock market crash through out 2022, stocks are showing signs of wanting to bounce and start a counter market rally. In this video I am going to provide my prediction on a stock market rebound and how high it could go. But what does the 2008 Great Recession, the 2018 Stock

    |May 17, 2022|0 min read|
  • Bullish reversal in place on my market indicator, but can it be trusted?    The reversals on the SharePlanner Reversal Indicator are always best served when they happen at extreme levels, because there is enough reflex bounce to get price moving in a substantial way. But this confirmation comes at almost all-time highs, weak volume

    |October 31, 2019|2 min read|
  • The bulls can still continue to push the market higher, but it will have to overcome the market weakness in six of the last nine weeks.   The headlines risk is crazy! Let’s just get that out of the way. I’ve been caught with my pants down, and I don’t mean figuratively…I literally mean literally. I

    |September 27, 2019|1 min read|
  • Coming out of the August consolidation has created a very bullish environment for stocks.   While I had hoped the market would ultimately break lower and through the August consolidation, it chose (not surprisingly), to break higher and now we are sitting right below all-time highs on SPX.  Now, the norm of late has been  to

    |September 12, 2019|1 min read|
  • The reversal indicator has been bearish since July, but not anymore.  It has been a long time in coming, but this week, there is finally a bullish reversal on the SharePlanner Reversal indicator. The last time we had one of those was in late May, and it doesn’t take a genius to remember just how

    |September 5, 2019|1 min read|
  • Probably a couple of weeks away from a bullish reversal on the indicator. The month of August has had its downs, but more than that, it has been extremely choppy, leaving little room for direction that traders can seize upon. For three weeks now the stock market has been nothing more than a royal chop-fest.

    |August 22, 2019|1 min read|
  • Big bearish reversal signal spells trouble for the stock market. The last time I posted my SharePlanner Reversal Indicator, was back in early June when the market was experiencing the beginnings of a remarkable bounce in stocks. However, now we are sitting at all-time highs, and that same indicator that forecasted a hard bounce has

    |July 25, 2019|1 min read|