By far one of my best screens in determining who is buying what on The Street. What you will find are those stocks that, among other variables that I use, 1) Gaining an increased amount of coverage by brokerage firms and analysts, and 2) Being upgraded on a regular basis. This is a good screen to show you where the smart money is putting their capital at, especially in the current volatile market environment, without you having to actually ask them. Pretty cool, eh? Take a look for yourself!

Each of these stocks have done a pretty good job of holding their own since the market decline going back to early May. My favorite of the group – Centerpoint Energy (CNP) with a hefty 5.6% dividend. CF Industries (CF) was actually my recommended short play this morning and then it decides to show itself on this list too. My reasoning for putting CF on the short list was based purely on technicals, and do believe it offers a nice risk/reward opportunity. . 

Here are the 6 Stocks the Street is Buying.


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