This is a stock screen similar to “Stocks That Are Breaking Down” (but just the exact opposite). A lot of these stocks are positioned for breakouts in the near future. If you are a momentum trader, you have to take a look at the charts of each of these stocks listed below. Each of the stocks below were hand-picked from a list of screen returns of more than 100 stocks/ETF’s. These are the ones that I would consider the best of the best from those returns.

Be careful though with any long trades that you make and plan on holding overnight. While I think the trades below look great and have some very nice setups to them, I am also weary, in this market environment, of holding too many breakout plays overnight. As breakout could take a beating should bad news come out of Europe, or general global conditions continue to deteriorate. However, this list becomes gold….gold I say, if we get a nice pullback in the markets without violating critical support levels. 

Here are the 14 Stocks with the Momentum.


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