I know there are a lot of you bears out there dying to reshort this market, assuming it is just a dead cat bounce. 

And you may get that change eventually, but be patient. Don’t try to force it. These bounces take time to play out. The bounce, following the February lows being established on the ninth, took more than a month before eventually selling off hard once again. So don’t go rushing the short setups just four days after the bottom established back on Thursday, last week. 

On the SharePlanner Reversal Indicator, you have some major extremes not seen since late 2016 around the election. Shorting into that, is not a good thing either, and there’s a good chance we’ll see a bullish reversal at some point next week. 

So stay cool, there will be another chance, just don’t force it – play the bounce instead 😉

Here’s the SharePlanner Reversal Indicator:

shareplanner reversal indicator 10 17 18