Wall Street Nole’s Morning Stocks to Watch for Day-Trading


coffee15“Oh, the best part of waking up…”

Tis the season for special dividends!  I’m all over these plays and you should be to.

Get ready as today could be wild with Fiscal Cliff talk and an overall market gap up. 


Check out some of today’s highly anticipated stocks to day-trade while you have your morning coffee. 

 Morning Coffee – Day-Trading Watch-List
1 GES- Announced a special dividend of $1.20 after very poor Q3 earnings. Stock will be gapping up and in play. 
2 $CLF- How low can CLF go? Dividend yield soaring as stock price declines. Rumblings of a cut are in the air. 
3 COST –  I’m going to keep this on the watchlist as I think it has some additional room to the upside due to the 3 billion dividend size. We nailed it long yesterday in the chat room and I might be a dip buyer today.


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