Here’s my updated chart on Apple ($AAPL) and what to watch out for going forward, the patterns, and price support levels you need to be cognizant of.

As for the legitimacy of the Credit Suisse report, I think it is complete garbage. As a person who spent some time in corporate America many years ago, I can tell you, making wild claims that Apple is going to be selling 10% less in iPhone 6s’ is a pile of crap. Purchase orders can be staged, the terms of agreement can change, the quantity discounts can change – there is a myriad of reasons for the component orders being less. With their heavy influence in China, this could be all be due to currency concerns and the strengthening dollar. So yes, I think that Credit Suisse reporter is an idiot and I question the ethical nature of such a report.

But I can’t let that get in the way of my technical analysis. 

Here’s the $AAPL Chart:

apple aapl sell off