• Gold and precious metals in general have been a darling of the market so far this year, and I’m sure by writing this post, I’ll get some angry tweets, and messages as a result.  But hey, I am here to read and follow the charts, not make people feel good about their existing long positions. 

    |June 21, 2016|1 min read|
  • So much of trading is learning to position yourself for profit; and to position yourself for profit means to protect your existing capital.  That means when you buy a stock, you have to look at the bigger picture – you can’t go about it blindly without taking into consideration the market’s overall direction.  The same

    |June 16, 2016|3 min read|
  • It has taken me a couple of days to getting around to writing about the LinkedIn (LNKD) buyout by Microsoft (MSFT) mainly because this whole deal was a grave irritation to me.  Let me start off first by saying that I was long LNKD on Friday - Yes, Friday. I had a stop-loss that was

    |June 15, 2016|3 min read|
  • The look and feel to oil is starting to become problematic.  Listen, I won’t touch this thing as a short setup. I just won’t. I’ve tried a few times a long the way, when things started to get queasy with the rally, and each time, the outcome wasn’t so hot. 

    |June 9, 2016|1 min read|
  • Valeant Pharmaceuticals (VRX) is down 14%, Biogen (BIIB) is down 12.3%. I guess it goes without saying that Bill Ackman is having another lousy day. The weakness in biotech is keeping the Nasdaq from experiencing a rally of any sorts today, despite the Dow, SPX, Rut all on solid ground.  So where does that leave

    |June 7, 2016|1 min read|
  • You get these kinds of trading days during the course of a trading year, that the price action runs instantaneously against all the price action of late. Today was just that. SPX was acting like it wanted to break higher by closing over resistance and 2100, but with SPX well off the lows of the

    |June 3, 2016|2 min read|
  • I wouldn’t go as far to day that it is a head and shoulders pattern on Boeing (BA) because if it is, that left shoulder is pretty dilapidated, not to mention the right shoulder as well. But there is a clear line of support between $125.00 and $125.80 that if price can push through this

    |May 31, 2016|1 min read|
  • Happy Memorial Day Everyone! With the stock market closed, I hope you enjoy the day off with friends and family. But more importantly I hope that you take some time out of your schedule to reflect on the brave sacrifices and ultimate price that America’s finest men and women have paid, and their families have

    |May 30, 2016|0 min read|
  • There is still one more day of trading left in the month of May, but I decided I’d go ahead anyways and post my performance for the month.  Overall a solid month. Remember, until this past week, there was very little to work with, and the rally on Tuesday caught everybody by storm as it

    |May 27, 2016|3 min read|
  • Trading is setup to create maximum frustration and elicit maximum emotion from the trader. Trading is not meant to be made up of clear cut decisions that are easy to make nor decisions that won’t lead to regret.  I want to build off of the post I did yesterday entitled, “Emotions Are Part of Trading

    |May 27, 2016|3 min read|