Trade Setups, Trading Rules, Short Setups, Long Setups, Day Trades, Swing Trades, Nasdaq charts, S&P charts, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, weekly recaps, exchange traded funds, etf’s

Catching the Falling Knife in Oil… Should You?

2015-08-17T15:33:01-04:00August 17, 2015|

The sell-off in oil is no doubt one of epic proportions.  Take a look at the United States Oil Fund (USO) weekly chart. We are now going on 10 straight weeks now without the least amount of a bounce coming through on it. Even during the Great Recession of 2008, [...]

Desperate Times Calls For Non-Desperate Measures

2015-08-15T10:15:25-04:00August 15, 2015|

Since February there has been nothing really good to say about this market.  Traders are losing interest.  Traders are losing hope.  Traders are simply becoming exasperated.  I get it…I feel it too. But I have also felt it before. It isn’t unusual for the market to try to bring out [...]

Bagged 16% in NFLX Today

2015-08-05T16:21:02-04:00August 5, 2015|

The market stinks...absolutely stinks. The bulls lack and edge and so do the bears.  But in the SharePlanner Splash Zone, the profits keep coming in.  Check out my most recent trades: * = Open trade Yes, that is a 16% gain in Netflix (NFLX) after buying it at $107.63 last [...]

A Most Excellent Month of Swing-Trading in July

2015-08-01T11:07:19-04:00August 1, 2015|

My Gosh, July was a wild ride in the market! We had, count them, FOUR reversals that took place during the month, and by no means did it render itself to easy trading. The market entered the month trending to the downside, followed by a hard bounce that took price [...]

Managing Your Cash Position in the Stock Market

2015-07-23T15:40:31-04:00July 23, 2015|

I’ve been asked a lot over the years about how I manage my cash in the portfolio – knowing how much stock exposure to have and how much cash should I have on the sidelines.  My trading strategy is very simple, and it isn’t because I’m a man of shallow [...]

July’s Swing Trading Success in the Splash Zone

2015-07-17T16:09:23-04:00July 17, 2015|

Half way through the month of July, and it is shaping up to be another solid month of trading success!  In June we saw the market sell-off hard, and along the way I, and members of the SharePlanner Splash Zone, got short as well, but I kept one eye on [...]

AAPL Must Hold Key Support Here

2015-07-06T15:26:00-04:00July 6, 2015|

Apple (AAPL) longs hate it when I say something negative about their stock.  I don’t have anything against the company, I don’t have a position in the stock either. I’m simply observing a key support level that the bulls will need to hold onto in the coming days or the [...]

Why I Went 100% Cash Ahead of Greek Referendum

2015-07-04T01:00:10-04:00July 4, 2015|

This was a decision that I really struggled with all day on Thursday. I cam into the day 30% short, which included positions Marriott (MAR) and Jarden (JAH), and long position in SDS - the ProShares UltraShort S&P 500.  I really wanted to hold every position into the weekend. In [...]

It Is All About The Past Performance

2015-06-16T17:47:21-04:00June 16, 2015|

It is all about a trader’s past performance that success or failure is judged by.  Yet so few trading services actually provide it.  It isn’t that they don’t realize this, instead it is the exact opposite: they realize that it is really the only thing that matters, and if you [...]

The Low Drawdown

2015-06-08T16:00:03-04:00June 8, 2015|

Below is a recent testimonial that I received from a member of the SharePlanner Splash Zone. I take great pride in how I manage the risk on a given trade and this trader gets it and succintly describes my main objective as a trader.    The low drawdown I have [...]

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