What Sectors are Hot?

2023-01-16T23:55:00-05:00January 16, 2023|

Which sector provides the best opportunity for traders in 2023? In this video, I provide my technical analysis and opinion on each sector in the stock market and which ones are likely to do the best, while which ones are most likely to lag the over all market.

SharePlanner Notebook: June 21st

2021-06-21T17:30:39-04:00June 21, 2021|

As a new feature to SharePlanner, I’m going to roll out, the SharePlanner Notebook, where I essentially “clear out my notebook” of the charts I went through today, and provide you with some or all of the ones that I found interesting. Some of them, may have been requests from [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #453

2019-06-13T08:40:00-04:00June 13, 2019|

My Swing Trading Strategy I didn’t add any new positions yesterday as the market didn’t show much willingness to make any meaningful move. I will look to add one or two new positions today.  Indicators Volatility Index (VIX) – Less than a 1% drop yesterday, and continued consolidation over the last [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #408

2019-04-01T09:00:00-04:00April 1, 2019|

My Swing Trading Strategy New week, month and quarter. I’m 100% cash coming into the day and will look to get long with 1-2 new positions. Always the potential for an April fools market fade. Be aware.  Indicators Volatility Index (VIX) – a 5% decline on Friday, and has dropped four [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #407

2019-03-29T09:10:00-04:00March 29, 2019|

My Swing Trading Strategy I’m coming into the day 100% cash, following another low volume day with little conviction. Fading the opening move is on the table as is getting long on it, depending on how the market internals line up with price action.  Indicators Volatility Index (VIX) – The indicator [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #406

2019-03-28T09:20:00-04:00March 28, 2019|

My Swing Trading Strategy I sold my position yesterday in SPXU for a +1.5%. Not as much as I would have liked from the trade, but I also found it hard to justify holding it another day without the market showing a strong propensity to want to go lower. I [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #405

2019-03-27T09:00:00-04:00March 27, 2019|

My Swing Trading Strategy I’m light on equities and heavy in cash. I don’t mind deploying some capital today, but I need to see more out of this market in terms of conviction. So far this week, the market appears unsure of where it wants to go.  Indicators Volatility Index [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #404

2019-03-26T09:10:00-04:00March 26, 2019|

My Swing Trading Strategy No new trades for me yesterday, as I sat on my hands and let the market throw everyone else around. Today’s pre-market strength may lead to an opportunity to re-short this market, and I won’t be placing a lot of faith, in the ability of the [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #403

2019-03-25T09:10:00-04:00March 25, 2019|

My Swing Trading Strategy I recognized the abnormal amount of weakness early on Friday, and tightened up the stops, so that I walked away with profits on all of my long positions, which included +6.1% on PYPL and +1.3% on NVDA. I am willing to play this market in any [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #402

2019-03-22T09:20:00-04:00March 22, 2019|

My Swing Trading Strategy I didn’t increase my overall exposure in the market yesterday, as I sold my position in Boeing (BA) for a small loss, after it simply refused to bounce. This morning, I will watch overall market action to see if the bulls are able too bounce off [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #401

2019-03-21T09:10:00-04:00March 21, 2019|

My Swing Trading Strategy I reduced my long exposure yesterday by closing out two positions, and adding one additional trade to my account. The bears have a similar grip on this market (this week) to what we saw two weeks ago. Nothing major, but certainly  keeping the bulls from pushing [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #400

2019-03-20T09:10:00-04:00March 20, 2019|

My Swing Trading Strategy The low volume trading environment is making for difficult trading conditions, as the market is unable to follow through or hold on to any gains to the upside, and thereby creating wild intraday swings that cannot be counted on.  Indicators Volatility Index (VIX) – Respectable bounce on [...]

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