SharePlanner Reversal Indicator: Market Breakout to Be Trusted?

2019-10-31T14:40:00-04:00October 31, 2019|

Bullish reversal in place on my market indicator, but can it be trusted?    The reversals on the SharePlanner Reversal Indicator are always best served when they happen at extreme levels, because there is enough reflex bounce to get price moving in a substantial way. But this confirmation comes at [...]

SharePlanner Reversal Indicator: Bullish Reversal In Place

2019-09-05T12:10:00-04:00September 5, 2019|

The reversal indicator has been bearish since July, but not anymore.  It has been a long time in coming, but this week, there is finally a bullish reversal on the SharePlanner Reversal indicator. The last time we had one of those was in late May, and it doesn’t take a [...]

NEW VIDEO: Market Cycles in a Bull Market Rally

2019-07-12T16:30:09-04:00July 12, 2019|

We are all familiar with traditional stock market cycles, but what about the market cycle within a bull market rally and what does that look like? More importantly what clues does the market provide within a bull market that can help us better understand when the rally is going to [...]

Swing-Trading Strategy Report #459

2019-06-21T09:00:00-04:00June 21, 2019|

My Swing Trading Strategy I did not take any trades yesterday. The large gap up and subsequent gap fill, was tempting to short, but chose not to pounce on it, because I didn’t want to be squeezed by an afternoon rally (which eventually did happen). I am open to adding [...]

SharePlanner Reversal Indicator: Flat-ish, But Diverging

2019-04-25T13:50:00-04:00April 25, 2019|

The Reversal Indicator could break lower, as a major divergence pops up.  Notice that RSI divergence at the top of the chart? Not the best look for this market that is struggling to sustain momentum. I still think you still have to remain bullish on this market, but a hedge [...]

SharePlanner Reversal Indicator + T2108 Updates

2019-04-11T13:20:00-04:00April 11, 2019|

Early reversal on the indicator has the bulls feeling optimistic for all-time highs.  I’ll admit though, if we have to deal with this kind of chop fest on our way to all-time highs, it isn’t going to be a very fun experience that’ll be for sure. Money is rotating in [...]

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