Trade Setups, Trading Rules, Short Setups, Long Setups, Day Trades, Swing Trades, Nasdaq charts, S&P charts, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, weekly recaps, exchange traded funds, etf’s, stop loss, entry price, target price, technical analysis, trader discipline, trader emotions

The Pains of Limit Orders

2008-10-14T16:35:02-04:00October 14, 2008|

Limit orders are one of the best ways to prevent slippage when creating or adding to a position in the market. However the drawback to limit orders is that sometimes, if your order is outside the bid/ask price, you may never get the fill you were hoping for. Today was [...]

Part II on Why Investing Isn’t Effortless

2023-03-04T09:47:09-05:00October 12, 2008|

Thought it might be appropriate to do a follow up on one of our more popular articles of the year entitled Should Investing Be Effortless? The quick answer to that question after reading the article is obviously “No”. We don’t make any such outlandish comments, because we know that investing/trading [...]

Should Investing be Effortless?

2008-07-22T15:47:36-04:00July 22, 2008|

July 22, 2008 Interesting link to a well known trading system website call GorillaTrades. You might have seen their commercials on CNBC. I believe their saying is “Funny Name, Serious Stock Picks” (I may be wrong on that but its close); nonetheless, plastered on their front page, it states “Investing [...]

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