• The Stock Market Crash 2020 might seem long forgotten, as Tesla stock is now all the rage, but with a major earnings week coming up, and the FOMC Statement as well, there is the potential for a resumption of the stock market crash if all does not go well. You already see a lot of

    |July 29, 2020|1 min read|
  • January has been amazing month for trading in the stock market.  So far we have yet to see the market crack. Each dip continues to get bought back up with undeniable ferocity. 

    |January 29, 2018|1 min read|
  • Bulls still maintain full control. Heck, I am pretty sure when you have rallied eight of the first nine trading days of the year (SPX), you are in pretty good standing on the technical side of the trade. 

    |January 12, 2018|1 min read|
  • New podcast today, y’all. I’ve been a little bit late with this one, but worry not, the latest episode is now released.  If you are nervous about this stock market and where it is going, you have good reason. Undoubtedly, the stock market is in a new bubble, largely created by the Fed and its

    |July 14, 2017|1 min read|
  • Market Euphoria still strong, but no top yet. And that is what you have to trade right now. That doesn’t mean that with market euphoria in full blow out mode, that you shouldn’t continue to trade to the long side, because you should, but you should always be prepping yourself every day for what you’ll

    |June 5, 2017|4 min read|
  • Instead of “Sell in May”, it is “Snooze in May” But more to the extent that the market is simply lacking the participants for big moves. There has only been one move so far this month that was in excess of 1%. But really, this market has been extremely flat since March. Nonetheless though, we

    |May 31, 2017|4 min read|
  • One last thought about bitcoin Okay, I want to go this whole week without mentioning bitcoin, crap I just mentioned it and even titled this post after it, so lets go ahead and throw that idea out the window, because it was over before it ever got started.

    |May 30, 2017|4 min read|
  • People are hysterical about bitcoin, they’ll become more so when it crashes One way to know, is when you say something negative about it, they lose their freakin’ minds. They automatically try to attack you personally or your credibility.  I get the cryptocurrencies are hot, but so were tulips. At one point, tulips were so

    |May 26, 2017|2 min read|
  • New All-Time Highs – Everything is fine…or should I worry? It is like the market is a sling-shot. Last Wednesday’s sell-off represents the moment where the sling gets pulled back, really hard, and the subsequent six days of buying in the market represents the market ‘letting go of the drawn sling and watching it propel

    |May 26, 2017|4 min read|
  • Bitcoins grow on trees Stocks rise for a fifth straight day. For sure though, the talk of the town is the metaphoric rise in crypto-currencies, i.e. Bitcoin. I’m literally sitting in a coffee shop yesterday going through my charts, and a random stranger starts asking me what I think about bitcoin. I tell him to

    |May 25, 2017|4 min read|