$AMGN Hourly Chart – Gaping up, this stock needs to run back and make new highs to get behind it. If at any time this name crosses under the 107.60 level, it will be a nice short.

AMGN Hourly

BBRY 2 Day Chart – Bounced off the 38.2% Fibonacci level 2 days ago, Looks like a good long contender. But only until it touches 15.52. This level have been a tough resistance to break.

BBRY 2 Day

$FSC 15 min Chart – Remember a 15 min chart or less is a scalp. So far it is gaping over 2 Fibonacci levels in pre-market. It needs to hold at least 10.42 (23.6% Fibonacci level). If it does, this will be a nice little long. Maybe short lived, but good for .50 cents.

FSC 15 min

$GOLD 15 min chart – Another scalp name, gaping 2 Fibonacci levels in pre-market, I doubt that this one can hold any of them. Pre-market shows $GOLD @ 73.04. The current resistance is 73.48, and support is 72.30.

GOLD 15 min

$SHPG 15 Min chart – Looking good if it can hold 89.50 (23.6% Fibonacci Level).

SHPG 15 Min

$SONS Daily Chart – I doubt that it holds 2.43 (38.2% Fibonacci Level) If you can find shares, this looks like a good short under that level.

SONS 2 Day

$SSRI 5 Min Chart – It better hold above 7.66, otherwise it will go fill that gap very fast.

SSRI 10 min

$SVA Hourly Chart – The only name that held yestreday’s sell off. It is currently at 4.25 in pre-market. The support Fibonacci Level is 4.13. If that level holds, then it will be a nice long.

SVA Hourly

$ZNGA Daily Chart – Well, nothing to say, but wait for it to fill that gap, and hold 3.09. If it does, maybe I will get some long.

ZNGA Daily