Breakout Trading Opportunities

2017-03-15T23:55:00-04:00March 15, 2017|

Breakout trading opportunities to watch for: Yesterday we talked about a form of breakouts that discovered and used by Nicolas Darvas Box trading that you can check out right here. This time around I want to highlight further the different forms of breakout trading. The S&P 500 bounced hard today [...]

Nicolas Darvas Box Trades

2017-03-14T16:55:00-04:00March 14, 2017|

Nicholas Darvas Box Trades to watch for: Darvas Box trading was started by Nicolas Darvas a long time ago and even wrote a book titled, “How I made 2,000,000 in the Stock Market” and it is one of my favorite trading books of all time. It is actually a very [...]

Momentum Trading Opportunities to Watch For

2017-03-13T16:59:00-04:00March 13, 2017|

The market was dull as can be, and any stabs at momentum trading was quickly vanquished as the day wore on. Tomorrow could be more of the same as the north east prepares for a massive snow storm, along with the FOMC on Wednesday, which also can create some dull [...]

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