This is by far, one of my favorite stock screens that I run. I have probably found more winning stocks (and big % ones at that) off of this screen, than any other one that I run. These stocks make it a habit to trade on their own merits and not that of the market itself. They are often overlooked, but to those who invest their capital in these stocks, the returns that the investors receive are very rewarding. So if you’ve been scratching your head recently as to what stocks you should be trading, then the stocks below are probably just what the doctor ordered. However, I do not recommend you going out and buying each and everyone of the stocks listed. Instead put each of these stocks in a watch-list and wait for a minor pull-back to a significant support-level.

For instance, this week I just opened a position in TICC Capital (TICC) at $12.11. I can honestly say, that of all the stocks out there that are publicly traded, I do not think there is a single one that has a better and more stronger trendline than TICC. Not only that, but the stock carries an 8% dividend. 

Here are 9 Stocks That Only Go Up.