For the bears this is a disappointing day, they came strong out of the gate, but with an hour left in the market, the bulls are fighting their way out of the whole they dug early on. I wouldn’t put a lot of weight into what we are seeing as volume is drying up quickly and the Christmas day is quickly approaching. So it isn’t hard for stocks and the market in general to get ‘manipulated’, particularly with year-end window dressing quickly approaching. 

Below I’ve provided a few stocks that should do very nicely, if this bullish momentum continues the rest of this week and into next. Some of the indicators that I use are showing some aggressive buying taking place in these names, and the charts are showing it. 

Nike (NKE)

21-Nike (NKE)

PF Changs China Bistro (PFCB)

21-PF Changs China Bistro (PFCB)

Shuffle Master (SHFL)

21-Shuffle Master (SHFL)

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