Unlike any of my other screens, this screen focuses on stocks trading under $10/share, and has a market cap under $1 billion, too. As for the variables that I used in the screen, I focused on fundamentals, particularly companies that have a healthy balance sheet with little debt to speak of, with a strong prospect for rapid sales and growth in earnings, as well. Those in yellow are carry-overs from the last time I ran this screen and as you can see they are all yellow this time around, meaning no new additions to the screen.

Now be aware, that these kinds of stocks carry huge risks to them. A simple downgrade, news event, or missed earnings target, can derail these small-cap stocks in a heart beat. But if you have some capital that you want to roll the dice with, these stocks will give you a good start in your research.

Here Are My $10 Lottery Specials.

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