trading discipline, trading strategies, trade setups, Trade Setups, Trading Rules, Short Setups, Long Setups, Day Trades, Swing Trades, Nasdaq charts, S&P charts, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, weekly recaps, exchange traded funds, etf’s, stop loss, stop losses, target price, entry price, technical analysis, trading plan

Resolutions For Trading in 2011

2011-01-03T14:18:57-05:00January 3, 2011|

Every year millions of people are making New Years resolutions and most of them are not even kept beyond the first week. For traders, resolutions are very important, or at least the establishing of new goals and expectations of one’s self in lieu of the trading year ahead This vastly [...]

If You’re Not Going to Use Stops…

2010-12-21T14:46:44-05:00December 21, 2010|

If you are not going to use stops, because either 1) you prefer mental stops 2) the MM’s will “steal” my shares or 3) you’re afraid of it popping back up as soon as you get stopped out, is no excuse to not use stops, in fact, if you don’t [...]

The Consequences of a Missed Trade

2009-09-28T21:00:13-04:00September 28, 2009|

Recently one of my loyal Twitter followers asked me to write an article about missing a trade that you know you should have taken and the regret that follows the missed opportunity. I’ve got to admit, that this has happened many times to me, especially early on in my trading [...]

Good Question on My QQQQ Short Trade

2023-03-04T09:47:10-05:00July 1, 2009|

I received an excellent question from one of our loyal members in regards to the short-trade I made in QQQQ today and it is as follows: I am having a hard time with the math on how you came up with a $212 profit using a $50,000 account with your [...]

Trading in a Sideways Market Part I

2009-05-19T21:21:42-04:00May 19, 2009|

One of the most often asked questions that we get is how to trade and profit in a sideways market. Profit potential in flat to sideways trading sessions does exist using day-trading strategies, and for the purposes of this article, day-trading is the time frame that we are going to [...]

A Sucker is Born in the First 30 Minutes of Trading

2008-11-10T14:35:11-05:00November 10, 2008|

Often the most exciting, yet most hazardous time to trade in the stock market is the first 30 minutes of each market session. Those first 30 minutes, if you are not disciplined, can reek havoc on your portfolio. It is that time where most of your amateurs will watch what [...]

Trading with the Broader Market in Mind

2008-11-03T15:13:30-05:00November 3, 2008|

General Market direction is extremely important in determining whether we choose to buy or sell a stock. In particular, if the market is under selling pressures we will trade “net-short” on the market, and if the market is rallying or the demand outpaces the supply of stocks, then we will [...]

Lessons from the Stock Wizards

2008-09-07T17:21:02-04:00September 7, 2008|

One of the best books available for learning how to trade is called Stock Market Wizards, a book by Jack Schwager, who has also written a similar book called Market Wizards. The premise of the book is that he interviews the best known traders in the markets today, from Steve [...]

Using Stop-Losses

2008-08-17T15:42:02-04:00August 17, 2008|

This is one of the most important elements of trading if not the most important. However, this is the most often overlooked aspect of trading and investing. Egos and pride often are at the root of this problem and the consequences are the annihilation of the individual’s portfolio. Every trade [...]

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