Yao wins the 3-month subscription to Adam’s Options Income Newsletter and Greg Seymour wins the 6-month subscription to the SharePlanner Investment System!

The next time you log in you will each have access to your new subscriptions!

Thank you to everyone who participated and we are working on new giveaways, so be sure to participate as often as you possibly can to increase you chances of winning next time. 


For awhile now, I’ve been looking for a way to offer, on a semi-regular basis, giveaways of anything from subscriptions to newsletters, books, movies or even gift cards. We’re going to get it started this week with the 2 prizes. One for a 6 month subscription to the SharePlanner Newsletter (valued at $119.70) and another for 3 months to Adam’s Options Income Newsletter (valued at $149.85). This also applies to current subscribers. 

There are several ways to qualify and each one counts for an entry – so the more you complete the more chances you have to win. The giveaway is open now and will run through next Friday evening when the winners will be randomly selected and provided with the free subscriptions. Good luck!