stock market life boat

If you traded today, you tired, frustrated, disheveled or upset that the market didn’t do what it was you wanted it to do. And when it comes to trading successfully in the stock market, that isn’t a very good trait to be holding on to. 

Try not to blame the market – as being one that is rigged or broken. Yes, it has its flaws, but everyday still provides an opportunity to profit from it. 

Accept the market for what it is and trade it accordingly. 

Realize that you are not the market that you are not in a position to project your will upon it. 

When you come to that place in your trading, yes, there will be days of disappointment. They are inevitable. But you will not rely on your own flawed bias, and instead follow the direction that the market is providing and take what it is willing to give you. 

Now I know it doesn’t sound nearly as exciting as what the trading geniuses out there would lead you to believe. They’d tell you that it is all about their magic stock picks. But they are all wrong. It is about respecting the market, respecting the risk that is associated with it, and securing the profits when you have them. 

Until you realize that in your own trading, you don’t stand a chance of succeeding in the stock market as you will always be looking for something to blame. The Fed, the algos, HFT’s, China. But when it comes down to it, your trading success hinges on you and your ability to profit whatever it is the market is throwing your way. 

Like your mom said, “If it was easy, everyone would be doing it!

But it isn’t easy, it never will be, and if you just take what the market is trying to give you, you will be so much better for it. 

If you’d like to start profiting consistently from the stock market consider giving the SharePlanner Splash Zone a try. With your membership you will get 7 days to try it for free and to see whether my trading is a fit for you. Included is access to my premium chat room that I am in each and every day and that I post all my trades in as well as trade alerts via email and text (international too). 


With The Splash Zone, you will get my low risk and high probability trade setups that no other trading service can offer.


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