Going forward, my preferred auto-trader will be eOption. They are fully capable of auto-trading my swing trades through the SharePlanner Splash Zone as well as the SharePlanner Investment System. Now there are plenty of auto traders out there, and I already have my trades being auto traded through Global Auto-Trading as well as Autoshares, but my preferred auto-trader going forward will be eOption. 

While most brokerages/auto-traders will charge $7.00 or more or charge a monthly fee, Eoption charges just $5.00 per auto-trade which is pretty good darn good compared to the rest of the industry. 

I’ve gone ahead and provided some additional information and a PDF download that will provide you more information and answer your questions regarding eOption. 

From now on, they will be my preferred auto-trader for both the SharePlanner Investment System and the SharePlanner Splash Zone.

Just a reminder as well, eOption and other auto-traders do not compensate me in any way whatsoever to use or recommend their services. I receive no kickback at all. These companies are simply tools to enhance and aid in your trading experience and development. 

Here’s some additional information and how you can set up an account eOption to begin auto-trading my trading services: 

To open an account online:  https://oao.eoption.com/ 


FAQ’s:  http://eoption.com/open-account/faqs 


I have also provided a PDF regarding auto trading and some disclaimers, etc


Customer Service: (847) 375-7102

New Accounts: (847) 375-7101 


If you are interested in becoming a member of the SharePlanner Splash Zone you can sign up for all my real-time swing-trades by clicking here.


Or, if you prefer my longer-term investment plays, then give the SharePlanner Investment System a try by clicking here