stocking trader winning

Obviously there are a TON of stock picking newsletters out there that try to promote their services as being the best and greatest thing since the invention of the wheel. Frankly 99.9% of them are all garbage and not worth your time at all. 

But most newsletters have one or more of the following characteristics in common. If any of these show up on a newsletter you are looking, run for the hllls, don’t think… RUN! 

Top Ten Reasons Not To Buy A Stock-Picking Newletter if they:

10. If anywhere on their site they have a picture like the one above and associates it with one of their newsletters. 

9. If the website promotes their product in a tropical setting claiming to be living the easy life. 

8.  The trader in any promotional video appears shirtless, or purchased his shirt in the Kohl’s Kid section

7. He drives a Maserati to promote his product

6. He tells you how much money he made in a given day, or in some cases a given second and goes on to state how much money you’ll make shortly after signing up. 

5. His profit curve is eerily similar to Bernie Madoff’s and parched at a 45 degree angle. 

4. Is wearing a little too much bling in an effort to promote himself as the Mr. T of Wall Street (T of course standing for ‘Trading’).

3. He promotes himself as a millionaire. Millionaires have better things to be doing than tweeting all day long. 

2. Claims to have zero losses, fails to mention the losses or fails to produce a legitimate past performance showing all trades taken. 

And the top  reason….

1. Trades primarily stocks under $5, and never takes a trade that he doesn’t promote on Twitter immediately afterwards. 


Ok, ok, I couldn’t stop at just 10 reason so here are two characteristics to look for in choosing a newsletter

Bonus Reason #1 The trader show  a person sitting in front of 4 or more monitors exuding the notion that somehow he is a better trader for it. 

Bonus Reason #2: Uses women for props in his marketing as if somehow better trading equals more women.